-1735599511 | | Additional SRFI libraries not included in the standard srfi-lib package | succeeds | 0 |
-1734608969 | | Scheme+ for Racket : infix notation with operator precedence, overloading for binary and n-arity operators and for procedures.
To use the curly infix syntax of SRFI 105 begin your program by:
#lang reader "SRFI-105.rkt"
the file is in the archive package or can be retrieved here:
| succeeds | 0 |
-1734915071 | | Scheme+ for Racket R6RS version.
Infix notation with operator precedence, overloading for binary and n-arity operators and for procedures.
Designed to be used with SRFI 105 Curly Infix aslo available as a package. | succeeds | 0 |
-1734605392 | | SRFI 105 Curly Infix | succeeds | 0 |