-1652545022 | | positional sound and mixing for lux and other programs This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1654683436 | | Some stuff for representing music and music theory This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502815951 | | OBSOLETE: Wrapper for The Echo Nest web API, which was shut down many years ago. This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1683813053 | | Get Bonus is a project about discovering the best way to program video games. This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1513746941 | | Racket wrapper for the OpenAL library This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502816180 | | simple functions to read MIDI (.mid) files This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1546446213 | | A music notation language. Outputs MIDI. See more on github. This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1676989822 | | FFI for OpenAL This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1707071811 | | Open Sound Control data definitions This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1676989876 | | Bindings for portaudio, a cross-platform audio library. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1707003324 | | Linux callback library for portaudio This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1709419059 | | 64-bit windows libraries for portaudio This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1679506375 | | Semi-automatically generated Raylib bindings. | succeeds | 0 |
-1726458961 | | The rsc3 SuperCollider client ported to Racket This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1696355364 | | A framework for manipulating and playing sounds using the portaudio library. Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and linux. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1616998521 | | RtMidi provides racket bindings for the RtMidi library, thus enabling racket programs to send and receive MIDI events. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502816437 | | For now, this package starts scsynth just like sonic pi does, and can make a few sounds. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502816472 | | Bindings to the taglib C library, which provides simple access to audio file metadata. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502816521 | | A library to perform forward and reverse 1-d Haar Wavelet transforms This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |