-1683812640 | | CONTRIBUTORS welcome. Package converted from PLaneT.
This library provides an animated-canvas% class that specializes the Gracket canvas% class to provide a simple double-buffered animation capability in Racket. Two demonstration programs are also provided. This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1734490201 | | Coroutines in Racket
Thanks to @soegaard, @Ben Kenobi, @pns11 & @4st on the Racket Discord. | fails | 6 |
-1737034406 | | Doug Williams's 'describe' package from PLaneT
copy of the github mirror of https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/describe
created because https://git.matthewbutterick.com is offline This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has conflicts | 2 |
-1675027308 | | Plot-cookbook This package needs documentation | fails | 6 |
-1688549881 | | DrRacket integration scripts for the Qi language This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1636109971 | | Scripts from the Quickscript Competition July 2020 This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1642684032 | | A collection of modules that provide functions for numerical computing.
CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME ; IN PROGRESS PORT OF http://planet.racket-lang.org/display.ss?package=science.plt&owner=williams This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1535392739 | | This library provides a table-panel% class that specializes the panel% class to provide a panel that aligns its children to a grid. A simple demonstration program is also provided. Copyright(c) 2008, M. Douglas Williams. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |