-1718298975 | | x86_64 AVX support for Herbie This package needs documentation This package needs tags This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1717033579 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts | 4 |
-1721419099 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library (Linux pre-build package) This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts; has failing tests | 5 |
-1724280434 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library (arm64 macOS pre-build package) This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts; has failing tests | 5 |
-1721419117 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library (x86_64 macOS pre-build package) This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts; has failing tests | 5 |
-1738247367 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library (Windows pre-build package) This package needs documentation | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1731008750 | | fdlibm platform support for Herbie This package needs documentation This package needs tags This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1738801739 New | | Tools for the FPBench numerical software standards (more info at http://fpbench.org/) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1733767872 | | Alternative MPFR interface for emulating IEEE-754 floating-point numbers This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1721419244 | | A tool for automatically improving the accuracy of floating point expressions This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1653378332 | | A pure-Racket equivalence graph This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1737682386 | | Interval analysis for real computation | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1724799272 | | SoftPosit support for Herbie This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1712794407 | | Racket bindings for the C softposit library. More info at posithub.org (currently only works on Linux 64-bit.) This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1731099023 | | Herbie support code for the VDT math library This package needs documentation This package needs tags This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has conflicts; has failing tests | 5 |