-1653409117 | | A racket interface to MPFI, the interval library based on MPFR. http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/nathalie.revol/software.html.
You should use the package `rival` instead of this. This package needs documentation This package needs tags This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1717033579 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts | 4 |
-1721419099 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library (Linux pre-build package) This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts; has failing tests | 5 |
-1721419117 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library (x86_64 macOS pre-build package) This package needs documentation | succeeds; has conflicts; has failing tests | 5 |
-1738247367 | | A Herbie component to simplify mathematical expressions using the egg egraph library (Windows pre-build package) This package needs documentation | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |