-1683812612 | | A metalanguage similar to #lang at-exp, but with a configurable command character This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1716206383 | | Community-managed variant of the Arc dialect of Lisp This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1516544174 | | 應用序語言 This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 4 |
-1662216488 | | An esoteric golfing lang This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1691984684 | | Proof of concept for compiling BQN code into Racket This package needs documentation | fails | 6 |
-1502812286 | | A language level for writing C code in DrRacket. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1513624465 | | Utilities for manipulating C source code. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1704805578 | | This package needs a description This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 3 |
-1615310667 | | An example #lang extension which uses $ instead of , for unquote. This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1596547516 | | Probabilistic programming language This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1502815950 | | Data Structures Student Language: an extension of ASL for easier imperative programming. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1724978814 | | A language for data structures students This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1581910312 | | Dynamically generate FFI bindings to C, and write C code inline in your Racket programs. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1550022581 | | Parser, runtime and #lang for ECMAScript This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210510 | | A library for custom side effects. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210512 | | A library for custom side effects. (doc) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210513 | | A library for custom side effects. (lib) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1737210514 | | A library for custom side effects. (test) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1611080018 | | The library and documentation for the Elle language, a Racket-like language with reimagined syntax and updated features. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 2 |
-1683812934 | | The Elle language, a Racket-like language with reimagined syntax and updated features. This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1683812938 | | Prototype of a proof-of-concept for a language with first-class environments. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1737127727 | | Esterel implementation in Racket This package needs documentation | succeeds | 4 |
-1681584348 | | A racket implementation of the etl esolang created by xSK This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 2 |
-1737210532 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210535 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (doc) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210536 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (lib) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1737210537 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (test) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1667698851 | | A lisp dialect that compiles to GDScript, for the Godot engine. | succeeds | 0 |
-1662501599 | | A language for generating words according to sound and syllable rules. Has features for cross-syllable rules and phoneme occurence frequency. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1683813071 | | A gradually typed language This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1597606197 | | This package needs a description This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1682213734 | | Helang的Racket实现, 赛博DSL之光 This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 4 |
-1682984854 | | A functional Lisp dialect with BASIC-inspired syntax This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1704805899 | | Some tools which help build hyper-literate programs. For now, this only contains a few changes from scribble/lp2, including support for typed/racket literate programs. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210586 | | A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210588 | | A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. (doc) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210589 | | A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. (lib) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1737210590 | | A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. (test) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1635122587 | | interactive poetry editor This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1670020919 | | iswim implementation This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1665167622 | | Racket implementation of J language and related concepts This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737178178 | | An exploration into an alternate surface syntax. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1701119332 | | A domain-specific language for knitting patterns This package needs documentation | fails | 6 |
-1701119336 | | A domain-specific language for knitting patterns. Implementation only: no documentation. This package needs documentation | fails | 6 |
-1565797912 | | A picture showing all the languages used to implement Racket. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1734422842 | | BCP-47 compliant language tag predicates. | succeeds | 0 |
-1654776572 | | The programming language Lua. Targeting version 5.3.5 (Currently unstable) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1702170769 | | Magnolisp This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1516105047 | | An interpreter for the 2d programming language MarioLANG This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 4 |
-1632666702 | | MiniPascal as a Racket language This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1537235893 | | Mischief: A Racketeer's Toolkit This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1537034394 | | Mischief: A Racketeer's Toolkit [development branch] This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has conflicts; has failing tests | 5 |
-1737210689 | | A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210691 | | A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. (doc) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210692 | | A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. (lib) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1737210693 | | A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. (test) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1513635359 | | A language that is like Prolog, but parenthetical. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 2 |
-1502816244 | | PCF with Contracts and Symbolic Values This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1730231292 | | The Pie language, used in The Little Typer This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 2 |
-1586275851 | | A little fork of the Pie language (adds `let` and `equal`). This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1738168431 | | Eli's PL course plugin This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502816261 | | A lazy variant of the plai language This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1704806271 | | The `plai-typed' language for use with Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation, Second Edition
This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1703088706 | | The Plait language is a hybrid of Racket (concrete syntax) and ML (type system) that is intended for use in an interpreters-based programming-languages course. It's an improved variant of `plai-typed`. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1576616992 | | Typed variant of #lang plai. Forked from plai-typed, brought closer to #lang plai. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1716257951 | | Variations on #lang plai, the language that accompanies Krishnamurthi's PLAI book. This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1691502767 | | ProfessorJ This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502816339 | | An implementation of the Python programming language for Racket This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1669405051 | | Some Clojure-inspired idioms. | succeeds | 0 |
-1737491704 | | A novel Qing language implementation | succeeds; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1502816382 | | Raw string support without at-exp This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1678455165 | | AWK-like scripting in Racket. Metapackage. This package needs documentation | succeeds | 4 |
-1678455166 | | AWK-like scripting in Racket. Documentation. | succeeds | 0 |
-1678455167 | | AWK-like scripting in Racket. Core. This package needs documentation | succeeds | 4 |
-1678455168 | | AWK-like scripting in Racket. Tests. This package needs documentation | succeeds | 4 |
-1678455169 | | AWK-like scripting in Racket. Tool. This package needs documentation | succeeds | 4 |
-1704806442 | | An embedded synchronous reactive language, a la reactiveML This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1663111021 | | A language for writing recursively computable functions | succeeds | 0 |
-1738966968 New | | A compatibility package that combines original Rhombus packages | fails | 6 |
-1628609712 | | A runtime library and C->Racket compiler to allow running C programs on top of Racket (no FFI!) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1728654533 | | Programming language based on russian language | succeeds | 0 |
-1603334906 | | Semi-literate programming for any Racket language This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1737210787 | | A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210790 | | A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. (doc) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1737210791 | | A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. (lib) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1737210792 | | A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. (test) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1738863172 New | | The Shplait language is a hybrid of Rhombus (concrete syntax) and ML (type system) that is intended for use in an interpreters-based programming-languages course. It's based on Plait. This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1502816461 | | A language for writing C with Racket macros and an easy interface to Racket This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has failing tests | 5 |
-1588723529 | | Tesurell is a Racket-powered markup language that supports inline use of other #langs, including itself. When used as a module, Tesurell acts as sugar for reading and using #langs via input ports. This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1703736882 | | TinyBASIC (Install this package for all goodies) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 4 |
-1703736883 | | TinyBASIC (Documentation only) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1703736884 | | TinyBASIC (Examples only) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1703736884 | | TinyBASIC (Implementation) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1618604887 | | #lang for implementing typed languages with Racket This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1502816532 | | A minimal combinator language, created for PLT Game #1 This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |