-1724769902 | | An extensible markup language and meta-language, for creating and manipulating works of art. This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1724769904 | | This package needs a description This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1724769905 | | This package needs a description This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 4 |
-1638048949 | | Helper to define meta-languages which can chain-call other languages. Status: Experimental (no backwards compatibility). This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1529343728 | | A calculus of mediated exchange This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1704805537 | | Extensible form of command-line with command-line-flag-expanders This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1502812301 | | Function type annotation syntax for Typed Racket similar to Haskell This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1683812815 | | Experimental RDBMS based on the Darwen & Date's D language This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1683812817 | | Documentation for Dallas This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1683812818 | | Dallas (implementation) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1683812819 | | Tests for Dallas This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1732412713 | | Provides an abstraction for values associated with external resources that allows automatic resource pooling, per-thread virtual construction, and monadic composition This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1732412714 | | Tests for the "disposable" package This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1617550155 | | Splits dotted identifiers like a.b.c, also supports λ<arg>.(code) syntax. Experimental (i.e. there may be small breaking changes in later versions). This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1683812938 | | Prototype of a proof-of-concept for a language with first-class environments. This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1599023999 | | Synchronizable event programming This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1704805714 | | A package defining "expectations", first-class assertions about values for use in validation and unit testing with high quality error messages. Currently experimental. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1674145041 | | Unstable, and has seemingly unsolvable problems with module boundaries. This package works like seq-no-order by Alexander Knauth, but adds reusable (within the same module) clauses and global constraints like "a must occur before b" or "a mutually exclusive with c". Docs: extensible-parser-specifications
This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1702206353 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1702206353 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (doc) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1702206354 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (lib) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1702206355 | | A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (test) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1505795359 | | Provides test fixtures: resources that are automatically created and destroyed for each RackUnit test case This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1683813048 | | Allows definition of macros which include expander-definition forms, like match expanders This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1693926551 | | Generalized references for Racket | succeeds | 0 |
-1693926552 | | Documentation part of "gref" | succeeds | 0 |
-1693926553 | | Implementation part of "gref" This package needs documentation | succeeds | 4 |
-1693926554 | | Tests for "gref" This package needs documentation | succeeds | 4 |
-1647319419 | | An exploration into an alternate surface syntax. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1502816141 | | Library for easing things between start and stop values fluidly This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1502816141 | | Library for working with points in 2d space This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1515041642 | | Highly experimental and aspirational networking library. Not yet fit for public consumption. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1563516050 | | Decentralized Software Organisms This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems | 2 |
-1617546892 | | Personal collection of utilities. Somewhat unstable and sparsely documented (for now). This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1717013211 | | Highly experimental and unstable. Attach multiple meanings to an identifier (match expander, function overloads, macros, custom "~literal" tokens…). Rename parts of identifiers (rename only some meanings, leaving others with the original name). Compose hybrid identifiers by mixing the meanings of two or more independently defined identifiers. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1687916258 | | A library for working with higher-dimensional brackets, such as quasiquotation syntax. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1712939878 | | A library for working with higher-dimensional brackets, such as quasiquotation syntax. (doc) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1647003559 | | A library for working with higher-dimensional brackets, such as quasiquotation syntax. (lib) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1687916258 | | A library for working with higher-dimensional brackets, such as quasiquotation syntax. (test) This package needs documentation This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 4 |
-1653576940 | | Perform operations on things with qualities This package needs license metadata | succeeds; has dependency problems; has failing tests | 5 |
-1731891238 | | A collection of infrastructure libraries This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1641570825 | | `~list/ctx` pattern and `?list/ctx` template for reconstructing syntax objects for core-form languages This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1658463340 | | A package for constructing HTTP and REST-ful requesters and integration tests. Currently unstable. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1628609712 | | A runtime library and C->Racket compiler to allow running C programs on top of Racket (no FFI!) This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1549323800 | | Literal set syntax This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1694229330 | | Create slides and templates easily | succeeds | 0 |
-1556784442 | | Experimental. In a syntax template, auto-generate yᵢ … from xᵢ … . Also includes several improvements, like ellipses outside of syntax templates, and ellipsis-preserving unsyntax. This package needs license metadata | fails | 6 |
-1502816469 | | Mini-library for creating new #lang languages from simple macros This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |
-1617546903 | | Helpers to write macros using typed/racket at phase 1. Heavily unstable, WIP, experimental, not documented yet. I'm currently dogfooding this to work out the best strategy. This package needs license metadata | succeeds | 2 |